Step 1
Open the page and click on Smart Trend
Step 2
Select bullish or bearish and investment currency: Based on your prediction of the market, you can choose to invest in USDT or BTC to purchase bullish or bearish trend products.
Step 3
Choose a deadline. Depending on your investment preferences, you can choose a product with a suitable maturity within the range.
Step 4
Enter the subscription quantity. The minimum subscription amount is xx USDT or xx BTC. You can also choose to add a coupon (if applicable).
Step 5
Confirm the subscription. There is no time limit for investment, interest accrual starts at 16:00 (UTC+8), Click "Buy Now" after reading the Risk Disclosure and Product Agreement.
Risk Warnings
Digital asset transactions contain extremely high risks, and digital assets are traded uninterrupted throughout the day. The User should determine the suitability for investing digital assets products based on their own financial situation and risk preference.
This article is for informational purposes and for reference only. The content of this report does not constitute investment advice, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents in the Hong Kong SAR, the United States, Singapore and other countries or regions where such offers or solicitations may be prohibited by law. Digital assets transactions can be extremely risky and volatile. Investment decisions should be made after careful consideration of individual circumstances and consultation with financial professionals. Matrixport is not responsible for any investment decisions based on the information provided in this article. Although the content in this report has been taken from sources that are believed to be accurate, no warranty or representation is made by Matrixport as to its correctness, completeness, timeliness or accuracy.